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Render for  Client's house

when working part time for my Intern company, i was asked to render a SketchUp model done up by my colleague. i was asked to render up a few option, which i then had to edit myself accordingly. I also helped to add the lighting in the render, to help make the render a little more realistic. 

i think that this is the first time that i had took so much consideration into what goes into my renders, from simple things that the shine in the materials, the exposure and brightness, even the lighting that is projected onto the furniture, all these things are things that I learnt from doing this project.

Overall, this was a great learning experience, which i was able to apply in my future projects as well. I believe that this gave me an idea of what i can improve on in my renders.

Base Model


The base model of the render, which i used to edit the materials and texture of the furniture. i was asked to do up a few options of the furniture, showing different materials such a wood material, or even a laminate for it as well. i had to edit the materials on the furniture, add in lighting which projected onto the furniture, to render and show to the client.

Material Option 1

We went for a wooden feel, with mostly lighter colours, such as the oak colour show in the render

living room option 2.png

Material Option 2

Using a grey Laminate was the other option, with a new design for the cabinet

Material Option 3

Another gray Laminate was used, but is of a lighter grade

outdoor cabinet 3 option 1.png

Renders Done up by me

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