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Product Designs

while Interning at Re-source Design, i managed to design some cupboards, as well as other decorative Designs. the idea of designing such products also taught me the importance of using the right materials  for the right product, or else the design would not look very nice.

i have managed to work on many different product designs at the company, and this really improved my way of designing products as well.

Showroom Cabinets

I was able to have a shot at designing and choosing the materials for a showroom wardrobe proposal, where we needed to design a few wardrobes for a showcase./

Wooden Adjustable Shelf

A adjustable wooden shelf with the shelves being able to be lifted up and put down. i helped to design and model out the shelf based on the reference image, and draw out these fabrication drawings.

Peranakan Door Design

A Peranakan Door that i designed based on what my colleague wanted, choosing out the materials and motifs to suit the door


Decorative Screen

A Glass screen with decorative flowers designed by my colleague, which are held up my metal poles.

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