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Precedent Study; Cassia Co-op Facility

In my year 2, i did a precedent study for the 1st project of the year, where i researched up on the Cassia Coop facility which was constructed overseas. i collated all the data, and complied it below, to show and remind myself of what i have done so far.

Timeline of project

with only 3 months to complete the project, they only had 70 workers working on this building. Having to also tackle the frequent number of earthquake, they also had to create a naturally ventilated climate below the roof surface of the building.


Solar Studies & Concept

The main idea behind the project is the classic concept of a light wooden construction on a base of heavy brick and concrete. The wooden construction gives a feeling of being within a cinnamon forest. 


The building would create a feeling of being inside the forest, which is reinforced by the presence of real trees.

Construction Methods

To help reduce time onsite, most of the building is pre-fabricated onsite, with all of the columns and beams being constructed with the same dimensions.


Parts of the building

The building is split into 5 parts; the roof panel, beams, columns, walls, and the floor slab. This will help to further resist the earthquake happening on site. 

Structural Systems

The columns are constructed in a Y-shaped manner, and a bounded together in a bowel joint. Metal screws are also used to provide extra support for the building. 


There are gaps on the top and bottom of the columns, making them more resistant to earthquakes, which are frequent there.



There are gaps between the roof and the buildings, which also allows for cooling of the entire building.


Windows are also installed at a lower height, which allows for faster evaporation of sweat, creating a better cooling effect.

Climate Studies


This are some of the climate graphs showing the temperature, humidity of the site where the building is going to be build on.

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