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Site Analysis: Gerengeng Village

For a project I worked on in year 2, we were asked to talk to a  client overseas, which wanted us to help build a school for the children in Gerengeng Village, in Indonesia. they had a plot of land, which was empty and wanted to use it to make a school for the children, so that they will have a place to study and play in peace, away from the roads, and places that are not lit at night. 


To start on the project, we did up a Site analysis to better understand the site that we are working with, doing research such as solar and climate studies, site surroundings, any available amenities nearby, etc. from there, we did up diagrams to better annotate how the site is like, and how we could use it to out benefit. I was mainly tasked with doing up simp[le photoshopping of the climate studies, as well as what there are within 45m of the site.


Site surroundings

this was a simple diagram to show where our site was, and what buildings are around the site.

Climatic analysis

we wanted to show how the sun would shine onto the surrounding buildings, and how the shadows would also affect the site itself. Using the site plan we are also able to show the trees onsite as well. 


Distance Radius

the diagram helps to show what is nearby the site, and what we are able to make use of later on in the design phase of the building. We could also use this diagram as a way to know what to avoid as well.

Distance Diagram

we used this to show the nearest water sources near the site, then using this to explain why we need a new water source nearer to out site, for the convenience of the nearby residents and the people going to site. 


Climate Studies

it is also important to know where the predominant wind comes from, hence we decided to show this to remind ourselves and present to others where and how we should orientate the building.

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